How to calculate summation Σ and product Π


Release date:2023/10/21         

In Japanese


Σ represents the summation.The following calculates the sum of a sequence of numbers.

The number below Σ means k starts with 1, and the letter above Σ means k ends with n. For example, it could look like this:

<Specific example (1):mean value>
The mean value can be expressed as follows.

<Specific example (2):sum of arithmetic progressions>
The sum of an arithmetic progression can be expressed as follows.

<Specific example (3)-1:double Σ>
When using two sigmas, calculations are performed starting from the inner sigma.

This is easier to understand if you imagine the sum of each term in the two-dimensional map below.

<Specific example (3)-2:double Σ>
In the following cases, calculate by dividing Σ.


π stands for product, and the following cases calculate the product of sequences.

An example of the use of π is in the transfer function of a Butterworth filter.

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